Play list 05.03.08
Duke Ellington / Money Jungle / Money Jungle / Blue Note
Yoshio Machida / Infinite Flowers / Fragance / Amorfon
Steve Reid Ensemble / Daaxar / Dabronxxar / Domino
Elliot Levin Quartet / The motion of Emotion / The psycopathology of everyday life / CIMP
Aesop of Rock / The forthcoming / Fast cars, danger, fire and knives / Definitive Jux
Yoshio Machida / Infinite Flowers / Namaqua, Pt. 3 / Amorfon
Yoshio Machida / Infinite Flowers / Fragance / Amorfon
Steve Reid Ensemble / Daaxar / Dabronxxar / Domino
Elliot Levin Quartet / The motion of Emotion / The psycopathology of everyday life / CIMP
Aesop of Rock / The forthcoming / Fast cars, danger, fire and knives / Definitive Jux
Yoshio Machida / Infinite Flowers / Namaqua, Pt. 3 / Amorfon